Jul 14, 2013

Nov 25, 2016 Hide Referrer - Fake, Hide or Spoof Your Referrer For Free! Hide Referrer is a free online service that hides the source of traffic for any link. What does that mean in human terms? Let's say you have a website: GuitarsForSale.xyz. If Case 1 or Case 2 below matches your situation, then use our free service to make your URL anonymous. Mask Link - Share your URL with a mask You are very jealous with privacy and want to keep this stuff away from external eyes, then you google for "hide link". The result is different services, the majority of them URL shorteners like crop.is or goo.gl. You try them but you realize they are not hiding your link. Yes, they assign a different name but anyone can recognize it is a fake How to Remove Your Information From the Web

To hide the extension shown in the address bar, you have two options. If you control the server, you can define rules that rewrite the URL based on the one the user is trying to get to. In PHP you can use the .htaccess file to define mod_rewrite rules.

Jan 15, 2020

Apr 16, 2019

Use a custom URL for your site - Sites Help Step 1: Check that you own your URL. Go to google.com/webmasters/verification. Look under "Properties." If you don’t see your URL, click Add a property. If you see your URL, move to Step 2. Enter PSA: New Microsoft Edge can auto-hide your address bar in Mar 02, 2020