An IP address lookup will determine the geolocation of any IP address. The results of the IP address lookup will show you the city, state/region, postal/zip code, country name, ISP, and time zone. This data can be used by various agencies to find the exact owner of any IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Determines your IP address and shows information (host, location, whois) about any IP address entered. Looks up to 10 IP addresses at the same time Instant IP Address Lookup Lookup IP Address Location. If you can find out the IPv4 or IPv6 address of an Internet user, you can get an idea what part of the country or world they're in by using our IP Lookup tool. What to do: Enter the IP address you're curious about in the box below, then click "Get IP … IP Address to Identify Geolocation Information | IP2Location IP Address Geolocation to Country, City, Region, Latitude, Longitude, ZIP Code, ISP, Domain, Time Zone, Area Code, Mobile Data, Usage Type, Elevation and so on. How to convert IP address to country name - CodeProject Aug 14, 2008

Lookup IP Address Location. If you can find out the IPv4 or IPv6 address of an Internet user, you can get an idea what part of the country or world they're in by using our IP Lookup tool. What to do: Enter the IP address you're curious about in the box below, then click "Get IP …

Set default country based on user's IP address | You Pick Registration forms should set the default country for their address based upon their IP address. If the entire address could be autodetected/set based on their IP that would be better, but it should at minimum set the appropriate country. Reference links. CiviCRM address defaults.

What is my country | Find your IP, country and location

What is my country | Find your IP, country and location