A 408 error means that Bria is sending a registration signal to the domain you've configured, but never receiving a response. This

From what I understand, the timeout property doesn't take into account DNS timeouts. It's possible that you could make a DNS lookup separately, then make the request to the server if that works, with the correct timeout value set for the useragent. Jan 27, 2019 · Hi Chavez, my contact at the Kingdom Hall, Esko, tested MicroSIP again today and is now having the same problem with timing out. Based on what you discussed with me today I gave Esko some suggestions on how to resolve the issue. *NOTICE: Information provided in our FAQ section is provided only for convenience, and does not constitute legal advice. Zoiper is not responsible for and does not guarantee that such information, including where it is available via links to other websites, will be full, correct or up-to-date, or that specific advice provided will have the desired result in all cases. I Ran your instruction about "X-lite With Call Manager 6.0.1 "But I dont get desirable result I Get "Registration error:408-Request Timeout" from X-lite ver 3.0 Server IP : Client IP : Connection between Client & Server have not any Problem and Ping Reply ::: X-lite linux download - Forum - Ubuntu Excel association avec x-lite ou eyebeam - Forum - Logiciels Comment envoyer SMS a partir de mon softphon X-Lite via asterisk - Forum - Programmation

Apr 27, 2009 · Hi Friends 1. I tried X-Lite 3.0 to connect to sip.studio.tellme.com. But everytime I tried, it showed - Registration Error: 408 - Request Timeout. Am I doing anything wrong

Certain users may receive a 408 request timeout error when registering their softphones. If you receive this error message, there are a few things you should check. L'errore 408 è associato all'informazione "Request Timeout", che in termini semplici significa che la richiesta inviata dal client al server web ha richiesto più tempo di quanto consentito dal server. Di conseguenza, il browser riceve il messaggio di errore HTTP 408 invece della risposta effettiva.

X-lite linux download - Forum - Ubuntu Excel association avec x-lite ou eyebeam - Forum - Logiciels Comment envoyer SMS a partir de mon softphon X-Lite via asterisk - Forum - Programmation

Then, start X-Lite. If it still cannot register, it's IMO extremely unlikely that the problem is related to MJ. If X-Lite runs, plug in MJ after X-Lite is started and see if they can both work. For example, the HTTP 408 message tells you that the client request timed out. How, exactly, this timeout occurs and how you can solve the problem will be explained in this guide. How, exactly, this timeout occurs and how you can solve the problem will be explained in this guide. Jul 09, 2018 · If you are getting a 408 error from X-Lite this means you are not receiving any response from the sip registration server that you are attempting to connect to with X Diagnosing a 408 Request Timeout. A 408 Request Timeout response code indicates that the server did not receive a complete request from the client within a specific period of time tracked by the server (i.e. the timeout period). *NOTICE: Information provided in our FAQ section is provided only for convenience, and does not constitute legal advice. Zoiper is not responsible for and does not guarantee that such information, including where it is available via links to other websites, will be full, correct or up-to-date, or that specific advice provided will have the desired result in all cases. Hello there, I am using Litespeed server Current Version: 4.0.19 with my CENTOS 5.5 x86_64 till now all was working well with my PHP ver 5.3.2 But since 2 days one of my website just keep loading and end with 408 Request Time-out. While my other website hosted on same server works file