Jun 27, 2019

Windows 7 detects your home network by looking at it's gateway. Because I was running the gateway/router on the same PC, I didn't fill out the gateway IP. So it won't give the popup to identify the network and you won't be able to set it to Home manually. I also failed to do it in script. How to Fix Unidentified Network Error in Windows 10 In case you were not aware, Windows 10 has its own Network Troubleshooter that can help you diagnose and fix Network Connectivity problems on your computer. Hence, the first step would be to make use of this free tool in Windows 10. Windows Networking: How to View & Access What’s Shared on Apr 30, 2019

windows - Win7: How to solve: Unidentified network/No

One such bug on Windows 10 is Unidentified Network – no internet access. This bug is also frequent in Windows 7. If you are facing this error, then you are not the only one. Many Windows 10 and Windows 7 users are having trouble accessing the internet due the same issue. But don’t worry. We will help you fix this problem in no time.

how to fix solve unidentified network problem on windows7

Solved: Unable to find a wireless network. - Dell Community